Issue 4 – Chinese New Year

Issue 4 – Chinese New Year

Here is a sample of the contents from Issue 4, with loads of great ideas to help keep your children entertained, including cultural festivals, nature specials and other seasonal activities.

0-3 years
Concentrating on texture and sensory stimulation, projects in this group include:

ENVELOPE HATS – Recycle those envelopes into wearable works of art!

VEGGIE STAMPING – All you need is a few vegetables and some paint to make a pretty stamped daffodil picture.

MAKE A FACE – Pancake characters to make Shrove Tuesday fun.

THAT’S HANDY! – Turn hand painting into fun pictures with your toddler.

I AM A ROBOT – A simple robot costume to get toddlers involved in dressing-up games.

LOLLIPOP HEARTS – These simple lollipop hearts will make lovely tokens for mummy on Valentine’s Day.

4-7 years
Fun crafting projects to make with children in Key Stage 1, include:

CUTE KOALA CARD – Celebrate Australia Day by making these cute fluffy koalas.

PUZZLE IT OUT! – Helping children make tangrams is a great way of enforcing shape recognition and early maths concepts.

WOOL WINDING – Children love making spiral patterns on paper so why not make 3-D patterns using wool and card?

WEATHER WATCH – Keeping a daily record of the weather is a fun activity for all ages. This chart makes a great group project.

THE GREAT INDOORS – Experience life in the wild with an overnight camping trip – indoors!

CHINESE NEW YEAR – Celebrate Chinese New Year with some fun facts and activities.

8-11 years
Great ideas for older kids to make and do:

AUSTRALIA DAY – Get crafty on Australia Day by making your own didgeridoo and wobble board!

NOISY CHINESE DRAGON – Roar out the old Chinese year with this fantastic noisy dragon and learn about the science of sound at the same time!

BOOKEND BONANZA – Keep books looking neat and tidy with a pair of literary inspired bookends.

POETRY IN MOTION – In celebration of Burns Night on January 25th, we suggest ways of getting older children enthusiastic about poetry.

POTS OF LOVE – Make these fun flower pots for St. Valentine’s day.

MARDI GRAS MASKS – Work up an appetite on Shrove Tuesday by making these fantastic masks.

In addition to these, there are plenty of other great ideas and projects, plus a great selection of books reviewed in Reading Corner and prize giveaways worth £100’s.

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